Industry Education |
Region Northamptonshire |
Type of Solution Optoma DC350 visualiser |
Installation Company Whittlebury C of E Primary School |
www.gaytoncofeprimary.co.uk |
Whittlebury School, near Silverstone, is part of the Forest Federation of Schools which also includes Gayton, Stoke Bruerne and Tiffield primary schools. |
Mr Henry-Moore from Whittlebury C of E Primary School near Silverstone wanted to be able to share physical objects, text and experiments with the whole class in a quick and easy way.
He said: “Only so many children can huddle around a table so you are limited on what you can show.
“I had used a visualiser in my previous school – so I knew it is a powerful tool for teaching because you are able to share so much more with the whole class instantly.”
Mr Henry-Moore brought in an Optoma DC350 visualiser.
Suitable for classrooms, lecture theatres, boardrooms and auditoriums, the DC350 is lightweight, portable and easy to move between rooms. Its 5 megapixel camera, 40x zoom and 30 frames-per-second video produces incredible detail to the tiniest objects.
As well as visualising 3D objects and text, the new DC350 can turn lessons into video through its recording feature. These videos and photographs can be used in future lessons by saving them to the on-board memory or to a SD card, or simply transferring them to a PC using the USB cable.
Mr Henry-Moore said: “The visualiser allows me to demonstrate experiments and instantly share these with the class. For example, we were recently studying blood for Key Stage 2 Science. We use Apple TV linked to iPads but by the time you have taken a picture and linked the iPads to it, you have lost the attention of the children.
“The visualiser is so much more effective. I was able to share high quality imagery with the whole class on the components of blood immediately.
“It is very simply to connect. We literally took it out of the box, connected it to our existing Sahara interactive whiteboard screen and we were good to go.”
As well as science experiments, the school uses the visualiser for guided reading, learning songs and sharing children's work.
Mr Henry-Moore commented: “In the run up to Christmas, the children had to learn 72 lines of dialogue as part of the Christmas play. The visualiser helped us do this. We simply placed the words under the visualiser and everyone was seeing the same thing.”
The visualiser’s zoom, combined with a large screen, gives extra detail that is difficult to make out with the human eye. Mr Henry-Moore explained: “A pupil recently brought in some Roman coins her father had found. The whole class was able to study the various gods and emperors depicted on the coins, rather than these being simply handed around. It made the session more engaging for the pupils and allowed me to point out these extra details on the screen.”
Chelsea King (9), a pupil in Mr Henry-Moore’s class, said: “It was fun to see my work big. We made pretend blood using oil and food colours. We watched Mr Henry-Moore do it on the big screen and then made our own.”
Mr Henry-Moore added: “The visualiser most certainly has a place in my class. It was very quick and easy to use and definitely improves lessons.”
Whittlebury C of E Primary School
Whittlebury School, near Silverstone, is part of the Forest Federation of Schools which also includes Gayton, Stoke Bruerne and Tiffield primary schools.
Whittlebury C of E Primary School
High Street
NN12 8XH
01327 857700